Adelante Ventures LLC will analyze the impact of fintech disruption in your value chain and revenue pools. We will help you think of why traditional incumbents like you, are missing out on innovation opportunities. We will help you understand how disruptors are capturing your business: in payments, consumer & small business lending, wealth management and advisory services. We will expose you to international trends, including the rise of the Asian fintech dragons, and help you think of how other market configurations can help you identify new opportunities.
will analyze the impact of fintech disruption in your value chain and revenue pools. We will help you think of why traditional incumbents like you, are missing out on innovation opportunities. We will help you understand how disruptors are capturing your business: in payments, consumer & small business lending, wealth management and advisory services. We will expose you to international trends, including the rise of the Asian fintech dragons, and help you think of how other market configurations can help you identify new opportunities.